For nearly a half-century, abortion has been one of the most polarizing and contested issues in American politics. The leak …
Evènements et information de l’église catholique.
Are Wars of Religion as Dangerous as Secularization?
Alasdair MacIntyre maintains that action falls within the context of a community. But what happens when the duties of one’s …
The Catholic Church Lacks an Imagination for Lay Agency
Some two years ago, I attended the Called and Co-Responsible conference at the University of Notre Dame. It was a …
Are American Christians Persecuted?
I have heard the phrase “Christians are being persecuted” in the context of American politics enough times in the last …
Fra Angelico’s Raising of Hell: Adam and Abel
How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, …
Heidegger’s Illusory Rapprochement with the Christian Theological Tradition
Heidegger’s Apocalyptic Future and the Impossibility of Christian Tradition Philosophers of religion, systematic theologians, and readers of continental philosophy are …
The False God of Capitalist Liberalism in Catholic Social Thought
The 2021 Benedictine College Evangelization conference topic, “Destroyer of the Gods: Christianity vs. the Idols of Secularism,” called for papers …
A Map of Dante’s Purgatorio in Three Touchstones
In the first part of this essay, I provided the rationale and method of offering a series of “touchstones” by …
Storytelling Might Be as Old as Humanity, but What Goes Into a Good Story?
I wrote a novel. It is called Outside the Gates and, in simplest terms, it retells the true story of French …
Synodality Is Already the Church’s Method
The Communion and Liberation (CL) movement is present in 90 countries throughout the world with members on nearly every continent. …