ENCOUNTERING THE WORD — YOUR DAILY BIBLE VERSES Blessed is the man who endures trial, for when he has stood …
Tout ce qui fait les traditions et les racines du catholicisme.
St. Martin of Tours — Patron Saint of Soldiers
Many who honor veterans on November 11th are unaware that the date of Veterans Day (also known as Armistice Day) …
Uncomfortable Christianity
“It’s time to recognize that Christianity is not a comfortable religion. The doctrines we profess are stumbling blocks, and the …
Six Ideas for Reclaiming Your Calendar (and Your Life)
As busy people with compounding responsibilities, isn’t it becoming more and more difficult to find time just to think? Commiserating …
James Dying
This week’s poem in the Catholic Poetry Room is by Fr. Robert Phelps, O.F.M. Cap. James Dying His red-fisted Irish …
Love Sees with New Eyes
There is a dimension of truth which most of us have tragically lost and need to recover, a dimension that …
Daily Catholic Quote — Saint Basil the Great
A Daily Quote to Inspire Your Catholic Faith “Thus, you will pray without ceasing; if you pray not only in …
Dr. Scott Hahn—To Rise Again
“God our Father,” today’s Epistle tells us, has given us “everlasting encouragement” in the Resurrection of Christ. Through His grace, …
Daily Catholic Quote — Saint Thomas Aquinas
A Daily Quote to Inspire Your Catholic Faith “Just as a man cannot live in the flesh unless he is …
Balance and Self-Mastery
In his first four Wednesday audiences, Pope St. John Paul II taught about the cardinal virtues. He was continuing what …