Many are hesitant to accept the orthodox Christian doctrine on which it is possible for someone to abandon God and …
The Secularizing Narrative of an Enchanted Medieval World
In 1946, the famous medieval historian Ernst Kantorowicz wrote: “it is really no longer possible for the medieval historian . . …
The Way Forward from the Theological Concerns with the TLM Movement
Theological and Pastoral Concerns with the Tridentine Mass Movement In this section, we will outline the concerns that Traditionis Custodes …
Liberty of the Church
The relation between the spiritual authority that Christ gave to his Apostles and their successors, and the authorities found within …
The Weaving of Moral and Sacramental Theology in the Advent Wreath
While some effort has been expended in bringing the fields of moral theology into productive conversation with those of liturgical …
The Relationship between Faith and Reason in The Divine Comedy
Reading Time: 12 minutes By Emily Evans, Holy Apostles College In the beginning of the Divine Comedy, Dante is lost …
Following the Science Isn’t Always a Simple Matter
Would religious thinkers in times before the Scientific Revolution ever have considered accepting the word of scientists over a plain …
Beowulf: Biblical Allusions And Anglo-Saxon Society
Reading Time: 15 minutes By Jude Burkett, Christendom College In the poem Beowulf, it has been suggested by many …
Shifting Away From Manualism: On Forming Consciences
Near the beginning of Lent each year, it is not uncommon for parishes to print in their bulletins the required …
Old News: Deep Divisions in the One Church
Let us face it: our history tells us that deep divisions have been annoyingly persistent in the Church. From the …